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IDW to PDF Format


New member
Is there a way to convert my idw files to a PDF format that would allow me to take a CD to a copy place for faster printing? Any suggestions?
idw to pdf format


You might want to try a pdf virtual printer to print the idw to a pdf file. (pdfcreator for example). If you surf the net you will find several free.
idw to pdf

Try a virtual pdf printer to print the idw file to a pdf file. (pdfcreator for example) If you surf the net you will find several.

Yes, as Gert posted, any PDF (writing) software such as Adobe Acrobat (not just the reader) will add writing a PDF as a printing option. You'll need to open each file individually and create the PDF as though you were printing the drawing. Be sure to set the options for the highest resolution for good quality prints. There are several free PDF writers out there for download (CutePDF, PDF995, ect..).

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