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Modeling Methods in CATIA


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Four Ways to make your model by CATIA:
(1) Parametric Solid Modeling
(2) Parametric Surface Modeling
(3) Unparametric Freeform Surface Modeling
(4) Unparametric FreeForm Volume

Watch these four videos to see their difference...
YouTube - Modeling Method #1 of 4
YouTube - Modeling Method #2 of 4
YouTube - Modeling Method #3 of 4
YouTube - Modeling Method #4 of 4

Practically, we can mix these four skills together to form a model efficiently. For example, use #3/#4 to build big surfaces, draft the whole outlook, then use #2 to make details on surfaces, like filleting, blending & trimming, and finally use #1 to build internal mechanical features, like screw bosses & ribs. This is the reason why we can make a stylish, clean and editable detailed model so quickly.

CATIA V6 is coming soon...(Teaser)

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