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need help with dxf


New member
hi there im new to this forum, i was wondering if anyone here could help?

i work a a sheet metal shop, doing almost everything.. from programming to packing and shipping. the sheet metal cam software i use only accepts cdl and dxf files...
but when i try to save a sheet metal part is solidworks it doesnt give me the option to save it as a DXF or CDL file...

can someone plz guide me from designing the part to sending it to the cam software
DXF is a 2-D format, so you need to make a SolidWorks drawing for the part, then save the drawing as a DXF.
dxf help

In Solidworks... DXF is only in 2-D format.
Autocad let's one output in 3-D DXF...
Just create a drawing, insert a view of the FLAT PATTERN, hide the bend lines and nomenclature
save as a DXF, with options set to single sheet.

Good Luck, :)
dxf help

In Solidworks, a DXF file is ONLY in 2D, not like Autocad. With this being said, in Solidworks, Drawings are only in 2D as well.

At our company, we usually utilize two (2) sheets for every sheetmetal drawings.
sheet 1 = the completed form of the part plus a flat with all dimensions
sheet 2 = the flat of the part w/out bend lines, nomenclature, dimensions, etc.

sheet 2 is usually then saved as a DXF file which is sent to our waterjet or laser to be cut.

We use a k-factor of .4063.

I hope this helps
good luck. :)

hi there im new to this forum, i was wondering if anyone here could help?

i work a a sheet metal shop, doing almost everything.. from programming to packing and shipping. the sheet metal cam software i use only accepts cdl and dxf files...
but when i try to save a sheet metal part is solidworks it doesnt give me the option to save it as a DXF or CDL file...

can someone plz guide me from designing the part to sending it to the cam software

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