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UG NX4 Knowledge Fusion



1) How do you measure min & max distances between curves and surfaces with
knowledge fusion and use them further in calculations.
2) What is the syntax for ug_part_family (if an example is available it will be
highly helpful).
3) How to carry out automatic part substitution using KF.
4) How to perform checking of surfaces (examine geometry) using KF.
Can these surfaces be autocorrected?
5) Is it possible to check whether a solid body is present at a certain location
and if it is not then change position of a hole, boss etc.?
Using measurements later

This function doesn't require Knowledge Fusion. If you take a measurement, there is a setting on the tool bar that allows you to register that measurement as an expression. Once you've done this, you can use that expression again.

Hope this helps :)

Jim Rawlinson
Sr. Engineer CAD/PLM Support
Goodrich Sensors and integrated Systems - California

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