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2000i2 hardware specs for NT


New member
I have switched to ver 2000i2 from 20. I find the upgrade is laying lot of stress on my CPU. Even the task manager is showing the graph for CPU reaching over 100 regularly. It has effected the speed as it has become conciderably slow for retrieving and regenerating and rotating rarely works.
My system configuration are as follows: CPU (PII, 350MHz), Diamond Viper 16MG, RAM 384MG.
What should be done to improve the situation, I would appreciate for any advice.
I sinceirely adive you to go for Athlon Thunderbird 700 (or higher) and GeForce2 MX 400 – they do not cost much..
Do you think that I have my config file set incorrectly?
I sincerely thank you for the advice. I will find out about the products.
Changing will not be of much use in improving the speed of the hardware as far as I know. In some cases it may help to increase the speed by negligible percentage. Some say, that 2000i2 intervenes between 20 and 2001 versions. As far as my experience is concerned I feel ProE 2001 is really much more stable and error free.

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