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3D Orbit: Command Cannot be used at this Scale??

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Hey all,
My company and I are currently using AutoCAD Land Desktop 2006. We've lost the 3D Orbit command completely. When we do try to action this command proceeds to mess up the whole drawing you’re in..
Has any had this occur?? If so… How did you fix it… It’s continuing to be a problem for us. Help !!
Thanks, J :) :)
More info needed.

Hello JRDA,

Can you elaborate on "this command proceeds to mess up the whole drawing you’re in.."? What does it do exactly? I want to try to find an answer for you.

3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Additional info

Reply From: neilw (Autodesk discussions board)
Date: Apr/29/06 - 05:14 (GMT)
Re: Orbit: Command Cannot be used at this Scale??
I have had this behavior before but it was specific to a drawing, not all
drawings. I never did figure out what was wrong, nor did anyone on the
forum. Are you sayintg this happens on any drawing? Can you open a new
drawing with one of the templates that came with Autocad and see if the
behavior occurs (If you are using your own templates to start drawings it
may be a problem with the template)?
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