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Welcome to 3DCADForums

Join our CAD community forums where over 25,000 users interact to solve day to day problems and share ideas. We encourage you to visit, invite you to participate and look forward to your input and opinions. Acrobat 3D, AutoCAD, Catia, Inventor, IronCAD, Creo, Pro/ENGINEER, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and others.

A request


New member
We'll give it a try

Hello car313,

We chose the products that we did because of the population of users out there. If you think there is a good population of TurboCAD users out there that would use it, then we will give it a try. We ALWAYS listen to our members requests and implement as many as we can.

Stay tuned for the new 3DCADTips TurboCAD Forum!

Thanks for the feedback!
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
TurboCad Forum

I second the request for a TurboCAD forum, there is much to learn and talk about.
Request TurboCad Forum

I am relatively new to TurboCad but I have talked with people that are using high end programs and they still prefer to work with TurboCad for its unique features.

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