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AGAIN: no materials in 3ds export - please answer.



did not succeed in getting my materials made in 3DSMax to acrobat 3d. either through the 3d toolkit. especially i did not get any transparent materials and no reflexions. there must be an easy way not to redesign every single material again ? thanks a lot for all answers !
Convert or Capture

Hello brucebra,

Did you use the Acrobat 3D "Convert" or "Capture" function to bring in your 3DSMax model. They are different methods. The Convert function is more in-depth where-as the Capture function simply attempts to capture what you currently have in your OpenGL display buffer (like a print screen).

3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:

i used the convert method. the best way was to write a *.ASE -file (ASCII) and load that into the acrobat 3d-tool.

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