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Align Dimensions


New member
Is there a way to align dimensions like the way you can align the balloons in an assembly? I have two horizontal dimensions that I am trying to align, and I am not finding any rmb options to do this.
Grab the dimension line with your mouse & drag it, whilst dragging, hover over the dimension you want to align with, a small yellow dot will appear somewhere on the line of this dimension, let go of the mouse button & the dimensions will align. Sometimes yo have to search around a bit to get the yellow dot but it usually works,
To align dimensions, first, highlight the dimension you want to align,then hoover over the dimension you want to be in alignment. There will appear a yellow dot on that dimension. That means Inventor see the alignment. Then just click and your original dimension should align itself. Sometime you have to play with it a little to get the feel of it.
If you highlight the dimensions that you want to align, then drag the dimension as if you are going to reposition the callout, they align.

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