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auto cad to solidworks




I am new here & new to solidworks also. My question is can I bring a cad file into solidworks & work with it as a solid part to insert bends & other features? I have tried a few things, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Tom
Copy and Paste

Is your AutoCAD file a solid model? If it is then all you need to do is open both AutoCAD and Solidworks then use Copy and Paste (CTRL+C and CRTL + V) to move the solid into Solidworks. (You can even select multiple solids if you like)

Solidworks also has the ablilty to open the DWG format but it is much too cumbersome and not very effective is you existing Autocad file is the equvalant of an assembly of solids.

Hope this helps

This from Matt at

3DCADTips Support Desk :cool:
Thanks guys, your tips worked perfect. All of our laser files are drawn in auto cad & with a new cnc press it is nice just to open a file & check bend parameters without redrawing the part in Solid Works. Thanks again, Tom

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