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Autocad 2D to Pro-E solid model



I design simple circular shapes in 2D AutoCad. I would like to be able to send these drawings to Pro-E so we can write tool passes for our CNC machining center. What is the easiest and most affordable way of getting a 2D drawing into a solid model?
2D to 3D in AutoCAD

If your drawings are really circles and not arcs, you can use the extrude command and give them height. If you have arcs or any 2D object you can convert these closed objects into a poly line and then extrude them. If you have circular objects with other circles or objects that represent holes, you may use the region command to convert these circles/polylines into regions and then use boolean operations to subtract, union, or intersect the various regions before extruding.

Mike McGuire
[email protected]
Autocad to Pro/E

mcgrace7 said:
If your drawings are really circles and not arcs, you can use the extrude command and give them height. If you have arcs or any 2D object you can convert these closed objects into a poly line and then extrude them. If you have circular objects with other circles or objects that represent holes, you may use the region command to convert these circles/polylines into regions and then use boolean operations to subtract, union, or intersect the various regions before extruding.

Mike McGuire
[email protected]

I have used many Solids programs - (Solidworks, Ideas, and others) and I am having a rough start in ProE. I am working ror a company that is using AutoCAD primarily, but they want to transition to ProE. Is there a tutoriala that will show me the best practices of brining in AutoCAD 2D data so I can then use that geometery to model parts?
Thanks for any help

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