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Autocad or Pro/Engineer?



Did anyone decide to shift from AUTOCAD to PRo/ENGINEER? Do you recommend to buy AUTOCAD or Pro/Engineer?
Not a simple question

Did anyone decide to shift from AUTOCAD to PRo/ENGINEER? Do you recommend to buy AUTOCAD or Pro/Engineer?

There is no simple answer to this question. Both have areas of strength and of weakness. Your decision should be driven by your goals for the software. To be honest no one package Will meet all of your needs completely so you have to choose the one that meets them the best. What kind of work are you planning to do with the software?

Back in the mid 90's I was asked to complete an AutoCAD project. I completed the project using Pro/ENGINEER and exported all the geometry via DXF to Autocad. The result was a job completed in AutoCAD. With no mistakes.

that's because I was able to design using Pro/ENGINEER. Design with all the tools of cross sections and interference checks and once completed... export.

my suggestion is to use both. Use what your customer wants. Now if you need customers then use Pro/ENGINEER

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