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Can I put the standard Pro/E congig settings on our server?



1)Can I put the standard config settings made for the model check on the server & how to access it on the systems connected to the server for running the modelchecks on the connected system.
Yes you can, here's how I think...

» 1)Can I put the standard config settings made for the model check on the
» server & how to access it on the systems connected to the server for
» running the modelchecks on the connected system.

Hello PHC77,

We posted your question on our partner site and have received a reply. Here is a link to the complete thread:

Location: United States
Posts: 86
Posted: 20 February 2006 at 10:14am | IP Logged Quote looslib


I think it requires an environment variable of MC_DIR pointing to the loadpoint of modelcheck on the server.

We ran Pro/E from the server, which meant that ModelCheck was also on the server.

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