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Catia and Windows Vista


New member
Hi ya guys,

Here's one for ya.....

I've just brought a new laptop with Vista installed on it, and would like to install Catia on.
The copy of catia is a full legal version, we have it installed on a machine at work and have spoken with the reseller and I'm allowed to install it on the laptop. The thing is Vista won't let me install it. Has any one done a dual boot operating system on the laptop because thats the only I think of doing.

Thanx Zane
new guy in the neighborhood

Hey everyone - I'm a new member.

Does anyone know how to use the BB code - is there a sticky or something?

Vista and CAD

Try Windows XP pro X64. You can find article on the web that said that CAD applications are
slower with Windows Vista.
Hi ya Guys,

Thanks for the input, I now except the fact that I'm pretty much screwed with a laptop running Vista that can't run Catia.....oh well?

I was thinking of running a dual boot system as I have a spare fully licenced copy of XP.
Does any one know how to create a dual boot system?

Thanks Zane
There are a couple different ways to do this. The standard method would require you to format your hard drive, reinstall Vista on a partition you create in the setup and then install XP on the remaining Hard drive space. There are also software programs out there that will allow you to partition your hard drive without reformatting and reinstalling. The only once that comes to mind is Partition Magic but I don't even know if it is still around.
XP Professional 64Bit & Notebooks

We do all our design work using XP Prof 64Bit and are really pleased with the performance.
HOWEVER, one small thing has turned into a big problem for us.
We purchased 2 Dell M90 Notebooks with XP Prof 64Bit OS to use as portable Catia workstations. Only problem is you cannot transfer the Node locked licences from your license server to the 64Bit Standalone Notebook. The manager software only recognises 32Bit OS. Dassault have been informed and are trying to solve the issue ....
Hi ya nishanth

Thanks for your input, but some question for ya.....

How did you do it?

What OS are you using?

I've found a solution to installing Catia on a Vista PC.......

........DON' can't until Dassault come up with a patch.

Here's another solution ......

I'll base this on my problem. I brought a new HP laptop pre-installed with Vista Busines.

If you have brought a new PC with Vista Business installed you can down grade to XP Pro on the Microsoft downgrade option. You will need a copy of XP Pro which most people have brought seperately. I managed to get the discs from HP direct, I phoned up tech support and after a breif chat they turned round and said they would send me them free of charge. When you install them you use the Actuvate Using the phone option, you then give them your Vista Serial key and ask them to associate the Vista serial with XP.

bingo you can now install Catia
Hi all!

I also stucked with the installation process. I have tried to install it on a desktop computer and it worked fine, but now I bought a notebook and it is pre installed with a Vista Home Premium and it just doesn't work.
I couldn't reach even the setup screen because I get an error message: Windows Administration failed or something like that and it closes the install. In safe mode it starts but after while it stops again.

Does anyone know what can be this Windows Administration?

Thanks in advance!
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Here's a solution...

Just enter the Safe Mode page of Vista, then select 'Safe Mode with Networking' and then install CATIA on this mode. After installation completes, boot your Vista in Normal.
Have fun... :)

"If you have brought a new PC with Vista Business installed you can down grade to XP Pro on the Microsoft downgrade option. You will need a copy of XP Pro which most people have brought seperately. I managed to get the discs from HP direct, I phoned up tech support and after a breif chat they turned round and said they would send me them free of charge. When you install them you use the Actuvate Using the phone option, you then give them your Vista Serial key and ask them to associate the Vista serial with XP."

Hi Zane2G,

Regarding statement above, May i know what are the installation CD you use for it? CATIA installation CD in window operating systems? or 64 bit window operating systems.?

IF you downdrage the VISTA into XP Pro, are means whole window operations will act as XP PRO?

SO, what will be the different you directly install it in XP PRO?

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Catia on Vista Business

I bought an HP 8510w mobile workstation with the nvidia quadro fx 570m video and Vista Business. I could not get Catia to load. I would get Administration stopped working. I read misc. forums and it looked like it was a video problem. I rebotted and pressed F8 and booted in safe mode with network support because video drivers would not load. Started my Catia install and it worked. I believe it is a nvidea problem more than a Vista totally problem. Anyway I am up and running.
Install in Safe Mode

Just enter the Safe Mode page of Vista, then select 'Safe Mode with Networking' and then install CATIA on this mode. After installation completes, boot your Vista in Normal.
Have fun... :)

Thanks Aminpi. It works.. But I had to tweak my 3D setting of my graphics driver, before I can get the application fully functional.
CATIA Vista support

Dassault will support Vista (64-bit only) with a "yet to be determined" Service Pack Level of the V5R18 release. Supposedly there are no plans at all for 32-bit.

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