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CATIA composite module



I'm a french student making a 6-months internship in a company producing composite pieces and so I would like to how to use CATIA (v5r12) composite module.
I would be grateful if you could give me any advice.

Here is my e-mail address : [email protected]


Last edited:
We retrieved this commant from the COE CATIA discussion forums. We thought it might be helpful.

yretter has posted a reply to the following thread

Category: CATIA V5

Thread: CATIA composite module

Message: Benjamin,

If I recall correctly, "Composite Design" was introduced at R13 or R14. Test the module existence by looking in the Help >> Mechanical Design and see if "Composite Design" is present.

If yes, you can use the help examples but knowledge of composites technology is probably a prerequisite.

best regards

Yoram Retter
IAI cad support

3DCADTips Support Desk :cool:
Books on composites...

We just added some new books on composites to our directory. I thought they may help in your effort.

Books > Design > Materials > Composites


Composite Materials

Composite Materials: Design and Applications is an updated translation of the French book Materiaux Composites. It is a comprehensive, well-illustrated reference and text on composite materials and structures.

#: 23856, Author: Daniel Gay, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


Composite Materials For Aircraft Structures

An introduction to virtually all aspects of the technology of composite materials as used in aeronautical design and structure. This text discusses important differences in the technology of composites from that of metals: intrinsic substantive differences and their implications for manufacturing...

#: 23853, Author: Alan A. Baker, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


Composites Manufacturing

"Sanjay Mazumdar`s book entitled Composites Manufacturing is intended to serve as a textbook for college students and/or a self-study took for engineers and professionals in the composites industry...The book is well written and illustrated, logically organized and easy to follow. This book is a...

#: 23854, Author: Sanjay Mazumdar, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


Fiber-reinforced Composites

". . .a useful source of information. . .packed with real-life how-to-do-it information aimed at solving problems. . .an authoritative publication of top-quality industry consensus know-how. "

#: 23855, Author: Pankar Mallick, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


3DCADTips Support Desk
More books on composites...

Here are some more books on composites from our directory:

Books > Design > Materials > Composites


Handbook Of Plastics, Elastomers & Composites

...larger, updated, and heavily revised...extensive array of property and performance data...Highly recommended as a reference book.

#: 23858, Author: Charles A. Harper, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


Introduction To Composite Materials Design

Emphasizes the practicality of design, not only through numerical examples, but also through explanations of the material. Provides the main tools used for preliminary design of composites, and covers all design aspects. DLC: Composite materials - Mechanical properties.

#: 23859, Author: Barbero, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


Mechanical Properties Of Polymers And Composites

". . .there just isn`t another book that deals with all the mechanical properties of polymers and composite materials in as simple. . .correct and still very comprehensive manner. . . Anyone who wants to gain a real understanding of the mechanical properties of polymers and composite materials...

#: 23860, Author: Nielsen, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11


Mechanics Of Composite Structures

`This book will be useful to graduate students, researchers and engineers seeking to learn more about the mechanics of composites and the applications of composite materials.` Engineering Designer

#: 23857, Author: Lᳺl? KollᲬ George S. Springer, Source:, Submitted by: 3DCADTips Support Desk, Date: 2006-04-11

Good luck!

3DCADTips Support Desk

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