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CATIA Tutotials for beginners (Helix Spring with Tapered Angle)


New member
This tutorial exercise provides step by step instruction on modeling a spring using CATIA. Follow the below link for more details:

Creating A Spring In CATIA - Tutorial for beginners



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Hi Mech,
It is really a nice tutorial and with easy to understand. I hope others will also contribute in same way.
Have a nice day.
Hi everybody,

I'm a new member at here. I would like to ask some questions about how to modelling a spring in CATIA.

My questions are at below:-
1) Did you guys know how to model a compressive spring that with the dead coils at the both end of the spring?

2) Is it the CATIA file can be import to the MSC Patran (FEA software)?

Hope you guys can help me on that..Cheers

For the "dead coils," add another helix curve with a different pitch for the "dead" area of the spring. Then JOIN the 2 (or 3) helix curves into a single curve. This Join curve can then be used for a SWEPT surface as explained in the tutorial, or you can use it with a solid RIB (or GROOVE) feature in Part Design.

An alternate method is to create a helix curve using the LAW function to define the varying pitch distance.

I have very little experience with FEA, so I'm not sure if CATIA geometry can be imported directly to PATRAN, but I'm sure you can use the IGES or STEP translations. CATIA V5 has it's own FEA tools: GPS and ELFINI. You could use either tool to make a mesh in CATIA, save the Mesh, and then open it in PATRAN.

Maybe someone who has actually done this can explain it better.
hi to everyone


im a new user of catiav5 r16, do you have any step by step tutorials on how to generate a surface to a solidbody coz im confuse using the catia manual i cant make complex drawing like gear housing ( using dis assy to join/heal to ?not a solid) i edit and put some gate design and the problem i cant get this part to a solid may be you can help me.

im a graduating student in the philippines you can e-mail me [email protected] i need to finish this project so i can start my thesis in school.

thank you in advance hope you understand


Hi Mech,

Just wantted to say thanks. I've recently started getting to grips with Catia.

Useful tutorial, thanks mate

catia for beginners

hello friend ,myself Ravi Prakash from bhopal ,i m mechanical student had learned catia software and designed many design for various company

now i have made my own blog


in this blog i gave all the basic information of catia from starting till end

and daily i update my blog with new post

so plz visit my blog and leave your comment

catia tutorial cd

I have catia materials including the followings:

catia v5 r18 sp3 Software 2CD
catia v5 r18 Help document 4CD
catia v5 r17 sp3 Software 2CD
catia v5 r17 Help document 4CD
CATIA v5r17 Training 20CD
catia v5 A-class surfaces, Reverse engineering,advanced video courses with demonstrations of car 15CD .
Otherwise there are some other training courses, about 20CD.

These CDs are not for free. If anyone wants to buy, please email to [email protected]
this is a good tutorial, but I am interested in a parametrical conical spring with 2 flat ends (no cut) for the inactive coils.

I am a student and no ideea for the moment.

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