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Command line


New member
How can I turn off the pointer (3 window command line) option ? I am having trouble as it gets in the way when drafting, I am comfortable using standard command line & coordinate values that are displayed in the bottom.
Any suggestions.
Dynamic Input?

If you're talking about the dynamic input that follows your cursor, it's easy to get rid of. Down at the bottom of the AutoCAD screen is a series of buttons. One of them is DYN. It's between DUCS and LWT. Simply deselect it. I hope this helps.
Hi Alain,
What are you said, I'm still confuse, are you mean "ucsicon" ?

How can I turn off the pointer (3 window command line) option ? I am having trouble as it gets in the way when drafting, I am comfortable using standard command line & coordinate values that are displayed in the bottom.
Any suggestions.
UCS command option input

How can I turn off the pointer (3 window command line) option ? I am having trouble as it gets in the way when drafting, I am comfortable using standard command line & coordinate values that are displayed in the bottom.
Any suggestions.

Its easy to get rid of that UCS command option F12
I hope it helps you...:D :D :D

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