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Convert catiav5,r16-to-r14



Hi ,

I want convert the catiav5,R16 data to Catiav5,R14.
What is the procudure.
Use TOOLS + UTILITY to run t he DOWNWARD COMPATIBILITY tool. With this utility, you can covert one or more parts to any previous CATIA release (down to rel 6).

Use the online HELP for more instructions.
conert catiav5-r16to r14

I tried same what you said like tools-utility-downward compatiblity.but i am not geting proper rusult.kindly explain me detail step.This will helpful for me.
What results did you get? Was there a Return Code?

Are you having problems with running the utility? Or are you having problems with the R14 CATPart?

The online Help file has about 30 pages that explain (in detail) how to run this utility.

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