I work with 2007 at work and never had to share the PC.
Now theres a guy on 2nd shift and my custom .cui files are creating him problems.
I have saved my cui files to a new name and deleted them from the acad.cui
I have tried loading a partial cui & it keeps giving the error about same named cui.
I cannot figure how to load cad menus and toolbars into a workspace so when I log in my cui files load and when he loads cad with his profile none of the custom toolbars load.
Any and all responses are welcome

Now theres a guy on 2nd shift and my custom .cui files are creating him problems.
I have saved my cui files to a new name and deleted them from the acad.cui
I have tried loading a partial cui & it keeps giving the error about same named cui.
I cannot figure how to load cad menus and toolbars into a workspace so when I log in my cui files load and when he loads cad with his profile none of the custom toolbars load.
Any and all responses are welcome