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Dimension macro needed!



Dimension macro

I'm looking for a macro to change the default text on a dimension to a different text.

My idea:

On a drawing

Hit "smart Dimension" and place dimension on the side of part

Hit the Marco

The Marco would charge the text from the default to "Arial Black"


Thanks for any help!!!!
Without macro, here are 2 options.

Without macro, here are 2 options.
Tools > Options > Document Properties tab > Detailing > Annotation Font > Dimension to globally change font.

Create a dimension favorite.

Flores, Eng-Tips
SW06 SP4.1
Wouldn't dimension favorites work for that?

handleman (Eng-Tips)
29 Apr 06 16:16

If you only want certain dims on the drawing to be in that font, wouldn't dimension favorites work for that? I think that's what they're for.
More from that thread...

Here is more from that Eng-Tips thread:

ctopher (Mechanical)
29 Apr 06 11:55

I agree. No need for a macro. Doing what Flores suggested is just as quick as running a macro.

Systems Analyst, I.S.
SolidWorks Pro 06/PDMWorks 06
AutoCAD 06
ctopher's home site (updated 06-21-05)

handleman (Automotive)
29 Apr 06 16:16

If you only want certain dims on the drawing to be in that font, wouldn't dimension favorites work for that? I think that's what they're for.

SBaugh (Mechanical)
30 Apr 06 10:36

you could also just use teh Annotations font toolbar that comes up when you select a dimension.


Scott Baugh, CSWP

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