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Drafting/dimension Issues


New member
New to Catia. Took modeling and drafting courses but now that i am using it there are all kinds of little 'ticks' with it. Most likely my error but I have no one to call and ask simple questions like "why can't I see my dimension value when doing angle dims?" or "why is my text so tiny when I dimension something and have to use a pull down or right click properties to change the dim size on every dimension?".......

I have used Solidworks for 10 years so I know how a 3d program should work:).

CATIA seems very cumbersome for the simplest tasks. can anyone help?
New to Catia. Took modeling and drafting courses but now that i am using it there are all kinds of little 'ticks' with it. Most likely my error but I have no one to call and ask simple questions like "why can't I see my dimension value when doing angle dims?" or "why is my text so tiny when I dimension something and have to use a pull down or right click properties to change the dim size on every dimension?".......

I have used Solidworks for 10 years so I know how a 3d program should work:).

CATIA seems very cumbersome for the simplest tasks. can anyone help?

I just helped a friend with this tonight. I hope it is the same problem for you.

1. Check the scale of your drawing. The dimensions in Catia are set up for standard sheet sizes (tho u can change that manually). So, when you imported the view from a 3D part/Product, you should scale the view to fit in the sheet, and then you will be able to see your dimensions properly.

2. To do this after you have created a drawing, just right click on a view in the tree and select properties, and set a good scaling ratio (according to the sizes of your real component, say for something that spans 100 A0 sheets in size - in your model - you might want to scale it as 1:200 or 1: 250 for an A0 format drawing.)

3. Then, move the views back into the drawing space and you are set to work further.

CATIA may seem more cumbersome in the beginning but it is much more powerful and user friendly in the end.
Thanks for the response

Yeah it does seem cumbersome. I can't wait to get by the learning curve.

I have the view scaled at 1:6. The dimensions still default to a .003 font size. Then i have to pull down the text properties box to select the .08 that i want.

Another question if you can help.......can I re-arrange the draw sheets? I have tried the cut and paste but it won't do it. I try to paste and it says there is nothing to paste.

Another question if you can help.......i drew a reference line in the drawing view and need to mate or constrain it to a line in the that possible?

I appreciate any questions you can help me with and I will have a lot of them since there are only 2 of us in the office here and my company won't pay for any more training or the phone support.

Kevin in Detroit
Dimensioning Standards

Your font size issues are not controlled by the scale of your Dwg. If you scale the Dwg your scaling everything. Font/leaders/arrows ect.. are set as specific standars such as ANSI, ASME, HES, JIS ect.. which you specify in your "New Drawing" pane when you are starting your file. You can also change from the "properties" of your sheet in your history tree after the fact.This will modify the style a certain characteristics but the font size is a set CatiaV5 "Default" size that can not be modified by you the user and can only be set by a systems administrater. You can chge the size font on your Dwg by highlighting the dimension the changing it in your " Text Properties". I suggest making several dimensions then indicate around several dimensions then change the text properties as a batch then reposition your leaders. Good luck!

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