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Drawing help in Wildfire 3.0



Hello All-
I am looking for some help with drawings. Does anyone know of a tutorial for creating templates and formats in Wildfire 3.0? I have not done anything with creating formats or templates since 2000i2, needless to say I am a little rusty and the jump to Wildfire 3.0 isn't much of a help. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi rdahlinger,

For Format
I believe there's not much changes since 2000i. ProE is still using the horrible table creation tools (the menu manager type). So if you have did it before with 2000i, it shouldn't have any problem.

The only things change is the access location. Instead of focusing at the menu manager (top right) last time, you will now need to call out the menu manager from the table menu at the top.. thats all. the UI just make the menu manger hidden and we call it out!! either the insert menu or the table menu.. :rolleyes:

I don't like to use Pro/E to create format. I'll normally import from dwg or dxf file. make it as the format and put all the links in templates.


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