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Extract XY dims of circles (lisp)



Can anyone HELP? I am looking for a lisp routine or an option that will extract XY dims for circles, and export to a text file or Excel or put into a chart on the drawing.

My thoughts hole size...xy points, next size...xy points blabla. Is this possible? (2004DX)
Working on it.

Hello kpolyak,

Just wanted to let you know that we posted your question on the Autodesk boards to see if we could generate an answer for you. We don't want any questions on this forum going unanswered! If/when we get a response, we'll repost it here for your benefit.

Good Luck
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Question answered?

Has anyone answered this question yet?
If not, I have a quick lisp that will do it. I don't want to post something that has no relevance anymore.

Here is a lisp routine to try

Hello kpolyak,

We found a lisp routine that might do the trick for you. It was a response from our request on the Autodesk discussion boards. Here it is in full:

Reply From: Daniel B
Date: Jul/12/06 - 15:34 (CDT) NEW!

Re: Extract XY dims of circles (lisp)
Here is something I clipped out of one of my lisps. Sorry it's kinda messy. But what it does is you tell it by clickin or coordinates where 0,0 is then you click hole #1, hole #2.. and it writes to c:\hole.txt with hole number X=? Y=? dia=?

hope it helps and for some reason the while statement doesnt exit properly when you hit esc but it works none the less.

[Attachment: holeout.lsp]

Good Luck!
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:


    456 bytes · Views: 53
BSAMC2000 said:
Has anyone answered this question yet?
If not, I have a quick lisp that will do it. I don't want to post something that has no relevance anymore.


Hello BSAMC2000,

Please upload your list routine to this thread. Alternate methods are always welcome and my in fact be the one that will work.

Thanks for helping out.
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
Extracting circle info.

Hope this may help. I only had a couple of minutes to write it. It's not the best way to do it, but it gets the job done.
I hope this helps. :)



    418 bytes · Views: 37
Hi Guys, trying to adapt your programs for a simple tool have in mind. Have tested the holeout.lsp but after selecting circles when you press enter gives this error ; error: bad argument type: lentityp nil

any ideas of what is creating this error and how to solve it ?

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