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file problem



Hello everybody!!!!
I have two questions:
1) is possible to read the files from WF3.0 to Wf2.0?
2) Are there differences between wf3.0m10 and wf3.0m30 ?
1) is possible to read the files from WF3.0 to Wf2.0?

Backward compatibility is not possible in Pro/E. If you want it desperately then you can buy one of the extensions just for conversion. Even after that many options will be disabled when you open it in ithe lower version.

2) Are there differences between wf3.0m10 and wf3.0m30 ?

When a datecode is released certainly many bugs are fixed and few options improved. Look for PTC's technical notes for the same.
Just to make one thing a bit clearer regarding backwards compatability.

You can view a neutral-format WF3 part in WF2. Subsequently, any changes made to the WF3 part can be updated in the WF2 version using the ATB menu under FILE.

You will not have a feature list, but this may be enough for you (or not).

SOMETIMES, making a UDF with all features but the base datums can get you into WF2.


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