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First Article Inspection Services In China


New member
Symprises (GKS-China Office) offers following services:
1) 3D measurement: CMM and laser scanning for first/last article inspection, reverse enigneering, etc,
2) CAD Modeling: laser scanning data processing, CAD design, structure design, etc.
3) Product development support: innovation design, CAD, prototyping, low-volume production (test production).
4) Production tooling: die/mold, fixtures

Our customers are mostly multi-nation companies with suppliers in China. We work with our clients with QC processing in the suppliers side. More information can be found in аÙÀû | ²úÆ·¿ª·¢ | ÄæÏò¹¤³Ì | Èýά²âÁ¿ | ¼¤¹âɨÃè | Ê×¼þ¼ì²â | µÚÈý·½¼ì²â | ÏÖ³¡²âÁ¿ | Îó²î¼ì²â | ¹¤Ä£¼ì¾ß | ÖÆÔì´ú¹¤

Please contact us if there is anything we can help.

Sam Tu
Symprises Manufacture Engineering (SME), Ltd.
Symprises Technology, Ltd.
GKS-China Office
TEL: +86-773-3119301 (office), 3919300 (mobile), 137 6823 9833(cell)
FAX: +86-773-3119300, 3119301
Web: аÙÀû | ²úÆ·¿ª·¢ | ÄæÏò¹¤³Ì | Èýά²âÁ¿ | ¼¤¹âɨÃè | Ê×¼þ¼ì²â | µÚÈý·½¼ì²â | ÏÖ³¡²âÁ¿ | Îó²î¼ì²â | ¹¤Ä£¼ì¾ß | ÖÆÔì´ú¹¤
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Skype: sme300

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