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Glass effect


New member
I am busy with a 3d house using AutoCAD 2000 and would like to get a glass effect where I have holes in the walls at the moment (i.e. windows). How do I get this effect? Please help.
Glass effect.

You will have to create "solid" glass pains and apply a glass material from the library. you can then adjust the opacity (clearness) and transparency(ability to pass light) to your liking. These effects will only show correctly when you render the view.
Glass Effect

I am busy with a 3d house using AutoCAD 2000 and would like to get a glass effect where I have holes in the walls at the moment (i.e. windows). How do I get this effect? Please help.

You must make a solid object, place in window opening then apply render material of glass to solid, then render. You can apply reflection, refraction and transparency values to material properties. Works great! You will even be able to reflect background in window object. To make solid object, trace window opening with polyline, make sure polyline is closed, then extrude to scale, let's say 1/4 inch. You can than apply your material properties to window solid. Good luck. Mboomrang

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