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GREAT opportunity for a Vectorworks / renderworks 3D guru



This is a GREAT opportunity for a Vectorworks / Renderworks 3D guru!

Position available immediately for a Vectorworks - (Renderworks, Spotlight) 3D rendering specialists.

A major television production company located in Chicago is searching for Vectorworks/Renderworks/Spotlight 3D hot shots. Extensive knowledge of Vectorworks, Renderworks and Spotlight is required. Also experience with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Lightwrite is desired. Television and theatrical lighitng experience and knowledge of vectorscript is a plus.

You thrive working is a fast paced environment, generating 3D models of studio, sets, props, light plots, and construction drawings in the daily production of a nationally syndicated television talk show. Also maintaining existing studio drawings and renderings.

This is not a 9-5 job. If you're up for the challange, forward resume and portfolio to:

Production Design Department
Harpo Studios, Inc.
110 North Carpenter
Chicago, IL 60607

fax: 312-850-0125

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