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Help in slicing a solid




Can anyone explain how slice command works. With a simple example.

Thanks in advance.
Slicing Solids.

My english may not be so good (I'm from Mexico), but I'm going to explain how it works.
The easiest wat to slice a solid is:
Type the command SLICE
Select the object and press enter.
In the command prompt will appear this text:
Specify first point on slicing plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>:
It is the default option (3 points)
Then, you just select the three points where your slice will be.
Then, the command prompt asks to pick one side of the now two parts your solid is divided. If you pick one, the otherone is automatically erased. If you dont want to erase none of them, just type b which means "both" to keep both parts. Now you have your solid sliced.
The other slicing options are very simple. If you pick either XY, YZ, or ZX, you just pick a snap point where you want your slice plane and your solid will be sliced. If this sound difficult for you, please read always the command prompt (is very useful), and ¡ Practice !
Draw several solids, and try every option and see the results.
See you later. (If you want to learn more, please email me, I will send you a pdf text)
Adios, hasta luego

paulzuniga at hotmail

My english may not be so good (I'm from Mexico), but I'm going to explain how it works.
The easiest wat to slice a solid is:
Type the command SLICE
Select the object and press enter.
In the command prompt will appear this text:
Specify first point on slicing plane by [Object/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ/ZX/3points] <3points>:
It is the default option (3 points)
Then, you just select the three points where your slice will be.
Then, the command prompt asks to pick one side of the now two parts your solid is divided. If you pick one, the otherone is automatically erased. If you dont want to erase none of them, just type b which means "both" to keep both parts. Now you have your solid sliced.
The other slicing options are very simple. If you pick either XY, YZ, or ZX, you just pick a snap point where you want your slice plane and your solid will be sliced. If this sound difficult for you, please read always the command prompt (is very useful), and ¡ Practice !
Draw several solids, and try every option and see the results.
See you later. (If you want to learn more, please email me, I will send you a pdf text)
Adios, hasta luego

After creating a solid create a planar surface and position it in the solid and then type SLICE and when prompted use surface as the cutting plane and then pick the portion of the solid you want to save.

Hope this helps

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