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Help needed in calculating volume....


New member
I am having an assembly which contains some cavity. I want to find the volume of the cavity to know which volume of gas would be used for filling the assembly. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
1) Open the assembly
2) Insert a new part, creating a simple solid body (rectangular block, sphere, etc) that's slightly larger than cavity
3) Insert>cavity>(select all components) <enter>
4) Open the new part, trim a little if needed, then Tools>Mass properties
Using the functionality called cavity, hydraulic fluid or any volumes can be determined for any assembly. Once the volume has been created, the true weight and mass properties can be obtained by simply modifying the density of the part. Creating a part that represents hydraulic fluid or volume can accomplish this. Once assembled, the part is modified using cavity functionality. Basically, the cavity function subtracts parts and/or portions of parts that share a common volume with the fluid part. Once complete, the resulting part is a true representation of the volume that will eventually be filled with fluid.

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