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How can we use user define feature in nx2 or nx3



I am working on unigraphics nx2.Recently we updated our system in nx3.
There is some requirment where we need to use UDF (like devaloping the mould base). Where we want to call guuide pillar & bushes same size.So thatwhy i need udf library. please guide me, what is best way where I could use UDF.


mohit uppal
(nyx software design ltd)
procedure to create UDF in NX3

hi i have done the same for the involute gear design.i am attaching a file for the procedure to create a user defined feature.
hope it would be helpfull


  • Neu Microsoft Word-Dokument.doc
    167.5 KB · Views: 119
Hi, great tutorial for UDF's - thanks for posting.

Can we link to the tutorial?

Hello slipstream,

Glad you recently joind our site. Do you mind if we add your Word doc to our Tutorials directory under the NX categories? If it was helpful to one, others may benefit as well.

That's what this site is all about - Access all the Web's tips and tutorials from one site -! If it gets added, it will also appear in our next 3DCADTips Weekly update letter next Tuesday. That email letter draws 1,000s of members to the site every week.

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