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How do I change the default working directory?


New member
:) This is a question from a previous post. We wanted to post it separately so other could find the answer more easily.

Question:How do I change the default working directory? Once I open the program I
know how to change it, but how do I make stay that way?

Click here to read the original thread from ffigueres.

» Question:How do I change the default working directory? Once I open
» the program I know how to change it, but how do I make stay that way?

:) Right click on your icon on your desktop. there should be a box with which you can choose pro's starting working directory. type in the ful path to your directory there and apply. next time you start pro up it should automatically use the chosen directory.

:) Also, in Wildfire 2.0 you have to set the following configuration option in your file:

file_open_default_folder working_directory

Both appraoches should work.

Thanks for asking the Q&A Board!;-)

3DCADTips Q&A Board Support
Changing the pro's start up working directory on your desktop means that pro-e will search for the in that specified directory. In my company the config files have their own directory so above solution doesn't solve the problem in that case.

A suggestion would be to use mapkeys. Especially useful if you work in various projects at the same time. Each project would have it's own directory and associated mapkey.

Greetings - Chris

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