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How do I edit & save the title blocks in Solidworks?



I need to know how to edit just the title blocks in Solidworks. I am wondering if there is a way to do this, this I can just use the properties option to change page size in dwg, and still maintain my custom information in the TB.

Please help.

Jason in Coldwater, MI.
Try this...

» I need to know how to edit just the title blocks in Solidworks. I am
» wondering if there is a way to do this, this I can just use the properties
» option to change page size in dwg, and still maintain my custom information
» in the TB.
» Please help.
» Jason in Coldwater, MI.

Hi jjtlarue:

Try this: RMB in the drawing somewhere and choose EDIT SHEET FORMAT from the pop up menu. Let us know if this works for you.

Thanks for using the Q&A Board! ;-) Q&A Board Support
Saving Changes to Drawing Sheet Formats

If you want to make the changes available for other drawings your need to Save Sheet Format from the File menu.

Also, after editing the sheet the way you want, and setting document properties, save the document as a Template file...(DRWDOT).. then you can select it for new files all the time

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