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how do i get into autocad?



I'm very interested in AutoCAD and hoping to get involved, but I'm having trouble getting started and really want to make it my career.
I hope someone could help, maybe give me advice on cds, books or just some where i Hampshire i could get started.
I've currently got a full time so I would be looking for a part-time course if i did go to College.
Hope someone can help me, thanks
Carl, Emsworth,Hampshire
You came to the right place!

Hello Carl,

You came to the right place to start learning about AutoCAD! Check out all of the resources in the following categories:

AutoCAD Tips (over 1,800):

AutoCAD Tutorials (over 750):

AutoCAD Books (over 350):

AutoCAD Models (over 10):

AutoCAD Freeware Files (over 500):

If you are looking for something in particular, let us know. I'm sure we could come up with something.


3DCADTips Q&A Board Support.
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AutoCAD Tutorials - Free

All you need to learn about AutoCAD is at

Free video tutorials with no login or registration.

View online or download to your PC.

:) These tuts are really great for a beginner. I've just started coming to this forum, and although having used autocad for a number of years, I find that I've only just scratched the surface of it's capabilities.

Thank you for listing these resources for our benefit.

Are you really sure?

Hi, I use Autocad since R14 and have been teaching Autocad for several years now.
Are you really sure to move to Autocad? Keep in mind that Autocad is an expensive program. The subscription costs me 450,-€ every year. OK, Autocad is maybe the most used CAD-program in the world, but therefore it isn't the best. It isn't a parametric program (which should be very usefull) and 3D isn't well supported (even in R2007). A program like i.e. VectorWorks is parametric and is used a lot by architects (at least in Belgium), costs about twothird of Autocad.
I'm still using Autocad because I have no time to switch over. But like you, as a beginner, search the web for different CAD-programs, look at some tutorials, search forums, and download and try some demo's, and after that, make a choice. Bear in mind that all the galleries of all CAD-program suppliers show wonderfull images, but they allmost never say how they made them, and how much time they need for it. Nor how steep the learning curve is.
So think twice.
Good luck.

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