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How is a tubular entetie created(with arcs)


New member

I am using 3d CAD software that as very simillar commands as AutoCad.

I am trying to creat a tubular roll cage in 3d.What would be the best method.

I have been experimenting with torus and then slice the unwanted section.This method is very time intensive.

Thanks for any help

One way in which I create tubes is to create a polyline from point to point with whatever elbows you need then place a circle with the desired diameter at one end and use the Extrude command with the option of Path. Select the polyline as the Path.
Of course this is in Autocad. Maybe the software you are using will do the same. Sometimes it won't extrude and I have to cut off a small piece of the polyline at the circle end. Don't know why I have to do this but I got this tip from someone thru AUGI.
Good Luck

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