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how to create piping?



I'm new to the proE program (I took a short tutorial course on it in the spring), and have just started a new job. I'm trying to figure out how to create piping that connects different parts in an assembly. I've tried to use the sweep tool, but it does not seem to be working how I expected it to. Is there an easier way to do this, or is there something I'm not doing right with the sweep tool?

Any help would be appreciated

use 2projection curve

hi there ive just seen ur old unanswered thread,
here i try to help u with what i know
ucan use the sweep thin feature but for the trajectories ucan make
a curve for compilcated pipe line ucan use 2 projection curve
well if that still not enough just use pro piping,
and we can discuss later for that one
hopely help even if its late at least other can read this as an information

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