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how to import picture to NX4?



I need to import some picture into NX4 so I could make 3d model of it. I had looked for, but found nothing useful. Could you advise me?
I think it's called Reverse engineering. I saw it on UGS users meeting about month ago in Nymburk, CZ
What format are the images?

Hello mp3k,

What do you hope to accomplish? Please explain further so we can assist you:

  • Do you want to set a picture image as the screen background?
  • Do you want to import the picture onto a sketch plane?
  • What format are the pictures in?
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:
support said:
Hello mp3k,

What do you hope to accomplish? Please explain further so we can assist you:

  • Do you want to set a picture image as the screen background?
  • Do you want to import the picture onto a sketch plane?
  • What format are the pictures in?
3DCADTips Help Desk :cool:

Put the picture in ANY format (jpg, bmp, gif, tif, ...) to a sketch plane would be best.

Really nobody?

Really nobody knows the solution of any way to get picture into plane or face or some other placement? :( :(
import image

You can insert an image onto a plane but it probably will not help much fo "reverse engineering". It is still just a 2D bitmap image. At best it can be used for visualization - textures and such.
fgbrender said:
You can insert an image onto a plane but it probably will not help much fo "reverse engineering". It is still just a 2D bitmap image. At best it can be used for visualization - textures and such.

Of course I know that, but I need to draw sketch or other curvers on it and then it extrude (for example).
I suupose you could import an image on a plane, orient your wcs to that plane and then trace the bitmap.
How do you import an image onto a plane or a face for visualization? Do you need a license of an add on Application to do this?
fgbrender said:
I suupose you could import an image on a plane, orient your wcs to that plane and then trace the bitmap.

YES, exactly. But question is still the same: HOW?
I found out that I can place picture in drafting, but I can't get it to modeling.
Well, just as I finished my last post I had a revelation. In the visualization menu there is a selection called "Raster Image". This will place a raster image on the XY plane in Modeling. Let me know if you need more info...

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