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how to model this


New member sheet metal workbench.

I tried a few different ways, and I wan't getting the resoult i was looking for.

so, what's the best way?

edit; it should be able to unfold.


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Spider, the solution I have come up with is to use the "user flange"
Produce your main wall as normal.
Produce a Sketch of your tubed flange.
Pick this as your profile
Use the wall edge as the Spine (this edge is the one where the tubed flange is attached)
Pick the two limits ie the longitudinal wall edge + a plane designating the extremity
And hit OK.

Flange can be flattened as you require
the only problem is, that it goes the whole length of the part, and i can't get it to go only .7" down the spline

i tried pocketing it out, but it didn't work too good.


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I cheated and got it to work, but now i got a different problem.

why arn't the rest of the holes showing up

reference the picture and cat part


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If you want to stop the user flange going the full length of the edge you should change the properties from "basic" as in your picture to "relimited" as in my picture. With the "relimited" you can define planes etc to restrict the length.
I can't bolive i missed that:rolleyes: thanks

got any idea why the rest of the features arn't showing up in the file? the last thing i did was reorder (organize) them and update...
Sorry, can't help on this one. I'm not able to open your data file. Problably
it's from a higher release level than what I have. I'm stück with R14 because
the German car industry haven't got the balls to change to R16. Hopefully
it will happen in the new year. If you could downgrade the part to R14
and upload again I could see what I can do. Sorry :-((
check Work Object

I can't bolive i missed that:rolleyes: thanks

got any idea why the rest of the features arn't showing up in the file? the last thing i did was reorder (organize) them and update...


assuming the Update completed without an error....

When everything is not shown, the first thing to check is which body or feature is underlined (which body/feature is the current Work Object). To see the entire part, you want to make the top Part Body the "Define Work Object"

assuming the Update completed without an error....

When everything is not shown, the first thing to check is which body or feature is underlined (which body/feature is the current Work Object). To see the entire part, you want to make the top Part Body the "Define Work Objetct"

yup, that worked, thanks again :D

That's kinda anti-intuative (if that's the right word), you'd think, that after updating it, it would show up:rolleyes:

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