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I do 3d modeling with Inventor 10.



I do 3d modeling with Inventor 10. Just found a new contract job in the Houston area. I use this site to gather tips on 3d Inventor modeling. I found about 4 companies that use Inventor in Houston. I am trying to gather a database list of all Houston area companies that use this program in the event of future layoffs or seeking higher wages.

I learned Inventor or at least the basics last year at Houston Community College. Our firm let me take it during the week during normal business hours. Since I was a VET the course was free except for the book purchase. I learned more on my own after class. In fact just playing with the program I figured out alot. I still need to learn more with the program.

Hopefully with this new job I will get with modelers that can help me out. Attached are some examples of my current work saved as PDF files. If you have any ideas on how one can go about finding firms that use Inventor it would help me out. I met a former Autodesk employee a few years back who was in sales and he gave me a data base list of all his sales clients. All the firms he sold Autocad license to where on there in the greater Houston area.

This helped alot in my job search. However problems came up when civil, piping, electrical firms asked me what experience was in these fields and I said I had little to none. I told them I do mostly architectural and mechanical stuff that is red lined or I would have all the information given to me to draw. Not a designer but more or less a drafter/illustrator type that needs
dimensions or sketches as tools to draw.



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