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importing artwork



I have adobe Illustrator CS which I use to design logos along with text and other information. How do i get such an image onto my 3D sheet metal models using Pro/e wildfire 2.0? I also use AutoCAD LT v. 2007 for 2D design. Is there a way of importing AutoCAD LT artwork into Pro/e wildfire 2.0?
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What you describe is something Pro/E isn't very good at doing. That said, there are a few routes you can try.

Probably the most promising thing is in the sketcher. You may have to experiment a bit to get it to work as you intend, but I'd try both with a flat sketch (the toolbar button) and through Insert, Cosmetic, Sketch to see which one puts your image where you want it. Once there, go to Sketch, Data from File. I notice there is an option for .ai now, along with .dwg, saved Pro/E sketches, Pro/E drawings, and IGES.

You can import a DXF or DWG into an empty Pro/E drawing using Insert, Data from file.

You can also import certain graphics (.bmp, .jpg, etc.) only into drawings by going to Insert, Object and selecting From File. Once there, they aren't very well handled. They don't scale too well, and the size and aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) may not be preserved on import.

Finally, if you're interested in showing the graphic on the surface of a part and you have rendering capabilites, you might try searching the section of help called "Rendering" for the word "decal", but that will only show in the 3-D render (not on drawings) and you may not have as much control as you'd like over the size and location of the decal. I'd recommend trying these approaches in the order they're listed, until you find the one that works best for you.

Please let us know what you discover.

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