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Inserting Background Image?


New member
Is there a a way to insert an image into the background of a drawing. An watermark image our company logo. We are having our drawings used by other people on a regular basis and would like at least put something behind the drawing. Thanks for any suggestions.

Is there a a way to insert an image into the background of a drawing. An watermark image our company logo. We are having our drawings used by other people on a regular basis and would like at least put something behind the drawing. Thanks for any suggestions.

This one is easy if you have SolidWorks 2008: First, create your image. Depending on how your network is set up, find the appropriate place for this image. Then start SolidWorks, Tools pulldown>Options>Colors. Here you find the options to load your drawing background image. If you don't have SolidWorks 2008, but have 2006 or near, you can still set your viewport background to an image, but not the drawing itself.
Try to sketch your logo across the white space of your template in a very thin dotted lines and that would get a similar effect and then hatch it with a solid that plots very dull.
Is there a a way to insert an image into the background of a drawing. An watermark image our company logo. We are having our drawings used by other people on a regular basis and would like at least put something behind the drawing. Thanks for any suggestions.

Found a workaround on here:

SolidWorks Discussion Forums

Hello again,

I just found a workaround, if you change the note to a block, it works fine. The note we use are light grey and when transferred to a block, its beneath both views and annotations.
I'm happy.. Hope this can help others.!

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