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InvalidData Structure

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New member

Invalid Data Structure - what is this. I dew a lot of drawings, and suddenly i can't open them. Plese help.

Could be several things.

:confused: Did you make the drawings with one release of CATIA and are now trying to open them with a different release? CATIA will only open files that are the same or higher release.

:confused: Or did you change the date in your computer? CATIA doesn't like to work with files that are dated in the future.

:confused: Did you rename the files? This could be causing the problem if you renamed the files outside of CATIA. (you should use FILE + SAVE MANAGEMENT if you want to rename CATIA files).

Which release level are you using?
- Yes, I made the drawings with one release of CATIA,
- Yes, I did you change the date in your computer - it was the problem (I don't understand the connection between date in my computer time and my drawings?)

Thank's a lot, You saved my head

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