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Loading a part in Pro/Mechanica with offset load



I need to load a cylinder (in the vertical position) where the actual force is 3" offset from the tube (basically bending the tube while having a downward force also). How can I create the load with out adding another part?

Thank you
Response from

» I need to load a cylinder (in the vertical position) where the actual force
» is 3" offset from the tube (basically bending the tube while having a
» downward force also). How can I create the load with out adding another
» part?
» Thank you
» Steve

Hello meekdesign:

We posted your question on our partner site and got a reply for you. here it is. I hope it helps.

Posted: 17 February 2006 at 9:50pm | IP Logged Quote Israr

click on the load icon , now if your force is "P" say 20 Tons, then in the force x /y /z place figure 20 in the x or y or z direction depending upon which coincide with the axis of the cylinder, and now add a moment equal to "Px3" say 60 Tons-inches in the adjeacent dialogue box.

I hope this is clear.


Here's a link to the complete thread: Support Desk

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