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Mating line/Axis to Plane?



This is something i used to do ALOT in inventor and solid works, is there such a mate in solid edge?

Is it even possible to create a reference axis, similar to that of inventor and solidworks?

I am attempting a tube construction, a large diameter tube is to have two smaller diameter tubes pass though its centre. I can cut the odd-ball angled holes out of the large diameter tube no problem, i can align the smaller tubes to cut outs, but i would like to mate the tube centre of the smaller tubes (identified by a sketch line) to the centre plane of the larger tube. again something i used to do all the time with inv. and sw.

Thanks for any help in advance.
Use the Mate relationship. Display the sketch from the part. Choose a curve segment from the sketch that is planar, then choose the plane to mate to.

I can send an example to you if you need. Email me directly.

I start with a part template in which I have created three sketches, one on each reference plane. Each sketch only contains a dot. The dot you can connect to a plane or line or use axial relationship to fix the part along an axis.

Mating a line to a plane works, but don't use fastconnect, select "mate" or "planar align" specifically.

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