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Need Help on solid surface



Hi All,

I'm first timer on this.:eek:

I have some problem on the solid object surface. I using catia V5R14.
I use a solid object to assembly with another solid object which use some DXF file convert from Jpg file (which is the logo in the picture),
but when I assembly got the result that some surface is missing.:eek:
why was it? is it the graphic card problem? or setting problem? or is the dxf file problem?:confused:

hope that anyone can help me.



  • problem 1.jpg
    problem 1.jpg
    87.7 KB · Views: 17

It's not a graphics problem, unless the missing surface changes as you work on the part. And I doubt if it's your settings. I suspect it has something to do with the dxf/jpg file you imported.

The first thing I'd check is the sketch. Open the sketch and make sure it's the profile you want. Then do a Tools + Sketch Analysis and verify all the profiles are closed.

It also might be the plane you used for the sketch support. Is it parallel to all the other sketch planes and faces?

It's not a graphics problem, unless the missing surface changes as you work on the part. And I doubt if it's your settings. I suspect it has something to do with the dxf/jpg file you imported.

The first thing I'd check is the sketch. Open the sketch and make sure it's the profile you want. Then do a Tools + Sketch Analysis and verify all the profiles are closed.

It also might be the plane you used for the sketch support. Is it parallel to all the other sketch planes and faces?

Thanks MrCATIA,

I already confirm is the sketches problem, just the font "N" got the problem.
but now still cannot find why it cause this surface missing.

When I use the sketch analysis, the result is OK( all line is close). Because the CLARION Logo in single solid is OK (If the sketches didn't close, it won't become solid), just that when assembly with other solid, it will cause the surface missing. Just don't know why:(

anyway thanks.:)
Try changing the pad of the CLARION logo and add a small length in the opposite direction, to make sure the CLARION pad penetrates into the rest of the solid.

Did you verify the sketch plane is OK?

Something else to try is to change the ASSEMBLE boolean to an ADD. (there's nothing wrong with using ASSEMBLE, but I'm grabbing for solutions to your problem)

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