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opening product file




suppose i have one product file in that product file containing more than 20 catparts.while opening its taking more time .so i want the produt file following format whenever i will open the produt file it will give only structure of the product. That is only it will show part name not any part on the screen,laterly i will load the parts which i want.It is posible.
Product structure

I think i not explined properly my question but i got the answer.the answer is go to Tools-options-infrastructure-Product structure-product visualization-then activate Representation icon.

if u open the product this will give give only tree structure there is no part on the catia screen
What if I want to see only one or two parts every time i open the assembly file?

Is there any other option other than Activate/De-activate or Hide/Show?

I want to reduce the loading time of the parts...its gettin more as the assembly file increases or no of parts increase....

what is CGR creation?

You have a couple of options.

1. Work with local Cache System then switch parts you want to "design mode".
2. Deactivate all of your tree and then save. Reopen file and activate what you want.
3. De-select "load reference documents". Then load what you want after file opens.

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