Welcome 3DCADTipsters!
We just opened this forum on March 15, 2006 so that our members can post "Work Wanted" notices for our over 18,000 members to view. We also have over 50,000 unique visitors to the site each month. You can also post your resume and contact info. However, be careful about posting your email address publicly.
This is a free service provided by eDocHelp and 3DCADTips.com1
Good luck and enjoy the 3DCADTips forums!
3DCADTips Support Desk
We just opened this forum on March 15, 2006 so that our members can post "Work Wanted" notices for our over 18,000 members to view. We also have over 50,000 unique visitors to the site each month. You can also post your resume and contact info. However, be careful about posting your email address publicly.
This is a free service provided by eDocHelp and 3DCADTips.com1
Good luck and enjoy the 3DCADTips forums!
3DCADTips Support Desk