Hi all,
Noob to the forums here, and just getting back into Pro/E after about 2 years on Inventor and AutoCAD. I have a bit of a dilemma, I located and checked out a series of 5 drawings into a workspace I created in IntraLink, I had to insert 2 simple parts into the assemblies and move said parts in the explode state where the parts show (there were 4 or 5 explode states in each assembly), when I couldn't get the new part to show in 2 of the drawings, I re-checked out one drawing into it's own newly created workspace, and was able to get the part to show. Then I started getting cute, I copied the drawing and assembly that worked, back into the 1st workspace I made, making sure to rename the version number to the highest version in the 1st workspace (I zipped up all the non-working drw and asm files). My boss says that is not the way to do it, he says that this may corrupt the data and the data in my whole workspace (all the folders?), my question is, is this true? can you corrupt files by manipulating them in an explorer window as opposed to in IntraLink?
Thank you and I will be glad to explain further if needed.
Noob to the forums here, and just getting back into Pro/E after about 2 years on Inventor and AutoCAD. I have a bit of a dilemma, I located and checked out a series of 5 drawings into a workspace I created in IntraLink, I had to insert 2 simple parts into the assemblies and move said parts in the explode state where the parts show (there were 4 or 5 explode states in each assembly), when I couldn't get the new part to show in 2 of the drawings, I re-checked out one drawing into it's own newly created workspace, and was able to get the part to show. Then I started getting cute, I copied the drawing and assembly that worked, back into the 1st workspace I made, making sure to rename the version number to the highest version in the 1st workspace (I zipped up all the non-working drw and asm files). My boss says that is not the way to do it, he says that this may corrupt the data and the data in my whole workspace (all the folders?), my question is, is this true? can you corrupt files by manipulating them in an explorer window as opposed to in IntraLink?
Thank you and I will be glad to explain further if needed.