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pro-e releted quary


New member
1)What is difference between hide & suppress ?
2)What is difference between mate & align?
3)What is difference between simple hole & standard hole ?
4)What is packaging in assembly?
5)Why to use bulk item in assembly?
6)What is bulk item & where it is used?
7)What is the application of merge from other models,cut out from other models,shrink wrap & copy geometry?
8)What is skeleton model?
Pro/E answers

Here are some of your answers.

1)What is difference between hide & suppress ?
"Hide" removes the object from the display. It is still calculated in mass properties and is still an active part of the model. "Suppress" temporarily removes the feature from the model. It's effect is similar to "Delete", but it can be reversed by using "Resume".

2)What is difference between mate & align?
"Mate" is like putting your hands together palm to palm. "Align" is like putting your hands together with both palms facing up.

4)What is packaging in assembly?
"Packaging" allows you to place a model in an assembly without constraining the model.
Proe Query

1)What is difference between hide & suppress ?
already answered...

2)What is difference between mate & align?
already answered... a more technical answer would be...
MATE: positive side of a part mates with the Negative side of another part..
ALIGN: Positive side of a parts aligns with the POSITIVE side of another part.

3)What is difference between simple hole & standard hole ?
A simple hole can be sketched...
A standard hole
4)What is packaging in assembly?
already answered....
The component exists in the assembly. However any assembly features cannot be applied on the model. e.g if you add an assembly cut that pass thru all the components in the assembly, the packaged component will not be cut.
5)Why to use bulk item in assembly?
Bulk items are used for the amount of paint required to paint a part, the amount of oil required to fill a tank etc... parts you will not model but are required to be in a BILL.

6)What is bulk item & where it is used?
as above...

7)What is the application of merge from other models,cut out from other models,shrink wrap & copy geometry?
Help is the best answer. However see this link...
Pro/ENGINEER Forum: Cast and Mach comp with Inheritance feat.

8)What is skeleton model?
You need AAX to CREATE or EDIT skeleton models. However foundation can read the models.
Skeleton models are used to drive your assembly TOP DOWN. To put it in Plain english....
You have an idea for an assembly, start with a skeleton of Sketched lines, Datum planes, Datum axes, surfaces etc...(without CREATING SOLIDS), then use copy geometry / publish geometry for creating parts. The parts thus created are the children of the SKELETON. Hence when the skeleton changes the assembly and all the parts related to the skeleton change.
e.g. If you are designing a bicycle, you can define a skeleton by way of sketching two circles for the wheels, centerdistance between the wheels, height of seat from Ground level etc.
At a later date in design when you change the diameter of the wheel, the model changes without changing the height of seat from GL.
Further you can also create FAMILIES of bicycles for various combinations of Wheel diameter and height of seat from GL.
The above is only an example to drive home the point.
1)What is difference between hide & suppress ? Already answered.
2)What is difference between mate & align?
Already answered.... A more technical answer would be...
Mate: Positive side of a surface is in line with the Negative side of another surface
Align: The opposite... Positive with positive
3)What is difference between simple hole & standard hole ?
My proe is not open now.... Perhaps you are referring to a sketched hole...?
4)What is packaging in assembly?
Already answered above...
Further, the part will occur in BOM. However assembly cuts cannot be performed on a packaged component. A packaged component can be looked upon as a component placed on an assembly table, but yet to be assembled in its final positon.
5)Why to use bulk item in assembly?
There are items that we would like to be in BILL, but is not necessary to model as a component. e.g. being the quantity of paint required to paint an assembly or part. The quantity will depend on the surface area of the part. We would like this value to change as the surface area changes. Hence we create bulk components.... so as to include in BILL not need not MODEL.
6)What is bulk item & where it is used?
See above...
7)What is the application of merge from other models,cut out from other models,shrink wrap & copy geometry?
You may also refer to Pro/ENGINEER Forum: Cast and Mach comp with Inheritance feat.
8)What is skeleton model?
As the name suggests, a skeleton model prepares the FRAME WORK of our design intent. A good tutorial is available on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Software Solutions
A skeleton model is created in Assembly mode. You will need a licence for AAX to create or Edit skeleton models. However, you do not need AAX for using the same.
Skeleton models can comprise of Sketched entities, Datums, surfaces etc... to capture the Final Assembly design intent.
e.g. say you need to design a bicycle.... you can start with a sketch of TWO circles, defining the wheel dia and the wheel base. When you decide to change the wheel base, you change it in the skeleton model and all the other components related to the wheel base will accomodate the new wheel base. Skeleton model also facilitates Assembly family tables to get different configurations of the same design.

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