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proe session record


New member
hi guy

how can I see proe session in & out time
while working on stand alone system?does
the SW have this provision?
One Technique

1. After starting the session, select #Info, #Session Info, #Date and Time. This will "time stamp" your trail file.

2. Just before ending the session, run the 'time stamp' sequence again.

3. Look in the trail file created from this session. Identify lines that look similar to this:

!%CI24 - May-01 15:37:33
!Time since previous time stamp: 00:01:13 Total elapsed time: 00:05:28
hi wwdaugherty

If the user has to do it, then he
can note it at the start & end of the querry was if the SW can
perform it auto...., Any way thx for

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