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released: V-Ray for Rhino v4


Moderator - Release of V-Ray for Rhino v4

ASGVIS has released V-Ray for Rhino 4.0. This release brings users various performance enhancements, an out of the box rendering solution, and many new V-Ray features and to Rhino 4.0.

V-Ray is a rendering plug-in that enables Rhinoceros users in all fields—from engineering and architecture to design and animation—to take advantage of the power and speed of the Chaos Group’s V-Ray rendering solution.

With V-Ray for Rhino, ASGVIS offers visualization professionals a state-of-the-art solution that generates high-quality images of unparalleled realism. “Top studios in all disciplines have relied on V-Ray for years to generate photorealistic images of outstanding quality,” says Corey Rubadue, ASGVIS Director. “With V-Ray for Rhino, we’re bringing this powerful, flexible, and affordable rendering solution to Rhinoceros users, enabling them to take full advantage of all that V-Ray has to offer.”

Render Options are now easier than ever, with Default Render settings reflecting correct settings for Indirect Illumination, the V-Ray Sun, V-Ray Sky, and Sampling levels.

V-Ray offers Rhinoceros users a robust set of global illumination and ray-tracing features that enable them to bring their ideas to life quickly, easily, and cost-effectively.


* V-Ray Sun and Sky
* V-Ray Physical Camera
* Distributed Rendering allowing a single image to be process over up to 10 machines
* Per Material GI, Background, Reflection, and Refraction
* Displacement
* Seperate Global Reflection and Refraction
* Dispersive Materials
* V-Ray Two-Sided Material for easy creation of thin translucency
* Easy Gamma Correction Controls
* More Efficient Memory Handling for Larger and More Complicated Scenes
* Expanded Functionality including the ability to set Memory Usage Limits
* Animation Support for Bongo as well as Rhino's Built-in Animation Tools

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